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Updating Rundeck Framework Configuration Files

This guide provides essential instructions for updating the Rundeck Framework configuration files. This is a mandatory step to change the default configuration with your custom server name and domain. Please ensure you follow these steps carefully to avoid any configuration issues.


  • Administrator access to FileBrowser.
  • Correct server name and domain ready for input.

Step 1: Access File Browser

  1. Navigate to https://<your_server>/filebrowser

    Administrator Note: Ensure that you replace <your_server> with the actual server IP or domain name where the FileBrowser is hosted.

  2. Enter your credentials and click Login.

    Administrator Note: If you are unsure of your credentials, please check with the system administrator or the setup documentation for the default credentials.

Step 2: Locate the Rundeck Directory

  1. Navigate to the rundeck directory to access the configuration settings.

    Administrator Note: Ensure you have the correct permissions to view and modify the files in this directory.

Step 3: Edit the File

  1. Click on the file to edit it.

  2. Modify the URL to replace it with your server name or domain name.

    Administrator Note: Be cautious when modifying URLs. Ensure that the domain is correctly formatted and accessible from the client machines. Example: Avoid typos, as this can lead to connection issues.

  3. Click Save and Close to return to the file browser.

Step 4: Edit the File

  1. Now, click on the file to edit the domain configuration.

  2. Modify the URL with your server name or DNS.

    Administrator Note: Both configuration files ( and should have consistent URLs to prevent any mismatch in accessing the server. grails.serverURL must end by /rundeck

  3. Click Save and Close to return to the file browser.

Final Administrator Note: After updating both configuration files, it is required to restart the Rundeck service to apply the new settings. Use Portainer to restart the stack or only the Rundeck container

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