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Authentication & Token Management


The authentication system in Liberty Framework uses an access token mechanism. A user provides their credentials, and if authenticated, they receive an access token.

Data Structure

Successful Response

Field Name Type Description
access_token string The generated token for the session.
token_type string Type of token, usually "bearer".
status "success" Indicates authentication was successful.
message string Message confirming login success.

Failed Response (Login Error)

Field Name Type Description
access_token string Empty, as login failed.
token_type string Type of token, usually "bearer".
status "failed" Indicates authentication failure.
message string Error message "loginError".

Failed Response (Password Error)

Field Name Type Description
access_token string Empty, as authentication failed.
token_type string Type of token, usually "bearer".
status "failed" Indicates authentication failure.
message string Error message "passwordError".

Example Usage

import { getToken } from "@nomana-it/liberty-core"

export const AuthenticationExample = async () => {
  const response = await getToken("admin", "admin");

  if (response.status === "success") {
    console.log("Access Token:", response.access_token);
  } else {
    console.error("Authentication Failed:", response.message);

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