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AppProvider Component


The AppProvider is a context provider that manages global state for the Liberty Framework. It provides access to:

  • Authentication state
  • Application properties
  • User properties
  • Module configurations
  • Snack messages
  • WebSocket handling

This provider allows injecting custom functions for retrieving data such as applications, users, tokens, and menus.


Prop Type Default Description
children ReactNode - Components wrapped by the provider.
useAuth () => AuthContextProps - Custom authentication hook.
getModules () => Promise<IModulesProps> - Fetch function for modules configuration.
getApplications () => Promise<IAppsProps> - Fetch function for application settings.
getUser () => Promise<IUsersProps> - Fetch function for user details.
getMenus () => Promise<IMenusProps> - Fetch function for application menus.

Example Usage

import { AppProvider, useAppContext } from "@nomana-it/liberty-core"

export const AppProviderExample = () => {
  return (
      <MyApp />

const MyApp = () => {
  const { userProperties, modulesProperties } = useAppContext();

  return (
      <h2>User: {}</h2>
      <p>Debug Mode: {modulesProperties.debug.enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"}</p>

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🔗 GitHub Repository (Test Project): Liberty Test
📖 Live Documentation: Liberty Core Docs
💖 Sponsor & Support: Sponsor Liberty Core