Creating a New React App with Liberty Core
Liberty Core provides a modular and extensible foundation for building modern web applications. This guide explains how to create a new React app using Liberty Core, set up authentication with OIDC, and configure translations and error handling.
Step 1: Initialize a New React Project
Create a new React project using Vite (recommended for performance):
| npm create vite@latest my-liberty-app --template react-ts
cd my-liberty-app
Then, install the required dependencies:
| npm install liberty-core react-oidc-context @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
Step 2: Create the Application Entry Point
Create a new file called `main.tsx` inside `src/` with the following setup:
| import React from "react"
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client"
import { App } from "./App"
import { AppProvider, Div, ErrorBoundary, TranslationProvider } from "@nomana-it/liberty-core"
import { AuthProvider, useAuth as oidcUseAuth } from "react-oidc-context";
// OIDC Configuration
const oidcConfig = {
authority: window.location.origin + "/oidc/realms/Liberty",
client_id: "liberty-framework",
redirect_uri: window.location.origin,
// Render the app inside ReactDOM with the required providers
<AuthProvider {...oidcConfig}>
<AppProvider useAuth={oidcUseAuth}>
<ErrorBoundary fallback={<Div>An error has occurred</Div>}>
<App />
Step 3: Create the App Component
Now, create a file named `App.tsx` inside `src/` and add:
| import { AppsContent, LYThemeProvider, useAppContext } from "@nomana-it/liberty-core"
export function App() {
const { userProperties, appsProperties, modulesProperties } = useAppContext();
return (
<AppsContent />
Step 4: Run the Application
Start the development server:
Your Liberty Core app is now running! 🎉
1. Customize the Theme
Modify the theme inside `App.tsx`:
| import { AppsContent, LYThemeProvider } from "@nomana-it/liberty-core"
import { theme } from './theme'; // Create a theme file
export function App() {
return (
<LYThemeProvider customTheme={theme}>
<AppsContent />
To override the default menus, use `getMenus` in `AppProvider`:
| const getMenus = async () => {
return {
items: [
MENU_LABEL: "Dashboard",
MENU_COMPONENT: "FormsDashboard",
MENU_LABEL: "Settings",
MENU_COMPONENT: "FormsContent",
// Wrap AppProvider with custom menus
<AppProvider getMenus={getMenus}>
You have now set up a React application using Liberty Core with authentication, error handling, translation, and theming. 🎯
Useful Links
🔗 GitHub Repository (Core): Liberty Core
🔗 GitHub Repository (Test Project): Liberty Test
📖 Live Documentation: Liberty Core Docs
💖 Sponsor & Support: Sponsor Liberty Core