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SnackMessage Component


The SnackMessage component displays temporary alert messages (snack messages) that disappear after a set duration. These messages provide feedback for user actions and support different severity levels.


The component is used globally and does not require props. It automatically retrieves and displays messages from the application's context.


  • Displays messages from the application context.
  • Automatically removes messages after 6 seconds.
  • Supports different severity levels (info, success, warning, error).
  • Can be dismissed manually.

Example Usage

import { SnackMessage } from "@nomana-it/liberty-core"
import { useAppContext } from "@ly_context/AppProvider";
import { ESeverity } from "@ly_types/common";

export const Example = () => {
  const { addSnackMessage } = useAppContext();

  useEffect(() => {
    addSnackMessage("Export of table has started", ESeverity.warning);
  }, []);

  return (
      {/* This component should be placed at the root level to display messages globally */}
      <SnackMessage />

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