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AdvancedFlexPanels Component


The AdvancedFlexPanels component is a bi-dimensional, resizable layout system that allows for: - Dynamic resizing of both rows and columns - Drag-and-drop reordering of child elements - Smooth animations for user interactions


Prop Type Default Description
rows number 2 Number of rows in the layout.
columns number 2 Number of columns in each row.
children ReactNode[][] - Bi-dimensional array of child components.

Example Usage

import { AdvancedFlexPanels } from "@nomana-it/liberty-core"

export const AdvancedFlexPanelsExample = () => {
  return (
    <AdvancedFlexPanels rows={2} columns={2}>
          <div style={{ padding: "20px", background: "#0044cc", color: "white", borderRadius: "8px" }}>Panel 1</div>,
          <div style={{ padding: "20px", background: "#3366ff", color: "white", borderRadius: "8px" }}>Panel 2</div>,
          <div style={{ padding: "20px", background: "#5588ff", color: "white", borderRadius: "8px" }}>Panel 3</div>,
          <div style={{ padding: "20px", background: "#77aaff", color: "white", borderRadius: "8px" }}>Panel 4</div>,

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