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FlexPanels Component


The FlexPanels component is a flexible, resizable layout container that allows dynamic panel resizing and optional drag-and-drop reordering.


Prop Type Default Description
panels number[] [1, 1] Initial flex sizes for each panel.
children ReactNode[] - Components to be placed inside the panels.
direction "horizontal" | "vertical" "horizontal" Defines the layout direction.
dragEnabled boolean false Enables drag-and-drop reordering.

Example Usage

import { FlexPanels } from "@nomana-it/liberty-core"

export const FlexPanelsExample = () => {
  return (
    <FlexPanels panels={[2, 1]} direction="horizontal" dragEnabled>
      <div style={{ padding: "20px", background: "#4c9aff" }}>Panel 1</div>
      <div style={{ padding: "20px", background: "#3366ff" }}>Panel 2</div>

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