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Alert Component


The Alert component provides a styled alert message with various severity levels. It can also be dismissible.


Prop Type Default Description
variant "success" , "info" , "warning" , "error" "info" Defines the style and icon of the alert.
dismissible boolean false Allows the alert to be dismissed.
onClose () => void undefined Callback function when the alert is closed.

Example Usage

import { Alert } from "@nomana-it/liberty-core"

export const AlertExample = () => {
  return (
      <Alert variant="success">This is a success alert!</Alert>
      <Alert variant="info">This is an info alert.</Alert>
      <Alert variant="warning" dismissible onClose={() => alert("Alert closed!")}>
        This is a dismissible warning alert.
      <Alert variant="error">This is an error alert.</Alert>

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