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Select Component


The Select component provides a dropdown for selecting options, with support for filtering, free text input, and clearing the selected value.


Prop Type Default Description
id string - Unique identifier for the input.
label string - Label for the input field.
options any[] [] Array of options for selection.
loading boolean false Displays a loading indicator if true.
freeSolo boolean false Allows free text input.
disabled boolean false Disables the select input.
fullWidth boolean false If true, the input takes up the full width of its container.
value any - The current selected value.
onChange (event, value) => void - Callback when an option is selected.
onInputChange (event, value, reason) => void - Callback when the input value changes.
getOptionLabel (option: any) => string Extracts label from option Function to determine how options are displayed.
onOpen () => void - Callback when the dropdown opens.
onBlur (event) => void - Callback when the input loses focus.
onFocus (event) => void - Callback when the input gains focus.
variant "outlined" | "filled" | "standard" "outlined" Defines the visual style of the input.
disablePortal boolean false Renders the dropdown inline instead of inside a portal.
showClearButton boolean true Displays a button to clear the selection.
selectOnly boolean false Disables typing and allows selection only.

Example Usage

import { useState } from "react";
import { Select, MenuItem } from "@nomana-it/liberty-core"

export const SelectExample = () => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(null);

  const options = [
    { value: 1, label: "Option 1" },
    { value: 2, label: "Option 2" },
    { value: 3, label: "Option 3" }

  return (
      label="Select an Option"
      onChange={(event, newValue) => setValue(newValue)}

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