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Input Component


The Input component is a reusable text input field supporting: - Multiple variants: outlined, filled, and standard - Error handling and helper text - Start and end adornments - Multiline text area support - Clear button functionality


Prop Type Default Description
id string - Unique identifier for the input.
label string - The label for the input field.
variant "outlined" , "filled" , "standard" "outlined" Defines the input style.
fullWidth boolean false Expands input width to 100%.
error boolean false Highlights input as an error.
helperText string - Additional message under the input.
disabled boolean false Disables the input.
multiline boolean false Enables textarea mode.
rows number 1 Number of rows for multiline.
startAdornment ReactNode - Component before the input.
endAdornment ReactNode - Component after the input.
onClear () => void - Callback when clear button is clicked.
showClearButton boolean false Shows clear button if input has value.

Example Usage

import { Input } from "@nomana-it/liberty-core"

export const InputExample = () => {
  const [text, setText] = useState("");

  return (
    <div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: "16px" }}>
      <Input id="outlined" label="Outlined Input" variant="outlined" />
      <Input id="filled" label="Filled Input" variant="filled" />
      <Input id="standard" label="Standard Input" variant="standard" />
        label="Clearable Input" 
        onClear={() => setText("")} 
        onChange={(e) => setText(} 
      <Input id="error" label="Error Input" variant="outlined" error helperText="This field is required" />

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