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PieChart Component


The PieChart component provides a customizable Doughnut/Pie Chart using Chart.js. It supports: - Custom colors - Tooltip with percentage display - Legend positioning - Adaptive theming for light/dark modes


Prop Type Default Description
data { value: number; label: string }[] - The data to be displayed.
colors string[] Default colors Custom colors for segments.

Example Usage

import { PieChart } from "@nomana-it/liberty-core"

const chartData = [
  { value: 40, label: "Product A" },
  { value: 25, label: "Product B" },
  { value: 20, label: "Product C" },
  { value: 15, label: "Product D" },

export const PieChartExample = () => {
  return (
      colors={["#1976d2", "#ff9800", "#4CAF50", "#E91E63"]}

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